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Membership Information

Membership in OCTA includes the quarterly Overland Journal magazine which features stories about the emigrant trails. Membership in the Idaho chapter, IOCTA, includes the Trail Dust newsletter which is packed with information about outings and discoveries across Idaho.

If you still have questions, please feel free to contact any of the members listed in the Trail Dust newsletter. Everyone is welcome at meeting or outings and active participation is encouraged! Please join us in sharing the trails of Idaho!

Membership in IOCTA requires that you must also be a member of OCTA.

The form for OCTA membership which includes chapter membership in IOCTA. When you sign up for an OCTA membership, be sure to also sign up for membership in the Idaho Chapter (and any of the other chapters you choose).

Besides the benefits of membership in OCTA, chapter benefits in IOCTA membership include the chapter newsletter "Trail Dust", and an opportunity to participate in Chapter activities such as field trips, research, and trail marking. Membership runs congruent with your OCTA membership. Membership dues in IOCTA are $15 for an individual and $20 for a couple or family. Your dues contribute to our Chapter efforts to preserve the Trails in Idaho.

Upcoming Events

February 26, 2025
Boise Schools Community Education class
Oregon Trail Wyoming to Fort Hall

March 5, 2025
Boise Schools Community Education class
Main Oregon Trail Back Country Byway

Details and more

Recent Meeting Minutes